Care about the wellbeing of your team!

Modern lifestyles are innately stressful, with everyone trying hard to find a work/life balance. Continued stress in the workplace is well known to cause a drop in morale and productivity and a rise in absenteeism.

To help relieve some of this everyday stress, we can teach your team some simple but highly effective tools that they can use throughout the day.

These teaching sessions can also help improve the overall wellness of your team. They are also an excellent team building exercise. 

Everyone will feel amazing and re-energised at the end of a session.

Options include:

Learning postures and breathwork to relieve stress

Workplace Yoga classes

Mindfulness workshops

Meditation and mindfulness sessions

Fitness and strength to help combat sedentary working life 

Wellness education to help with:

        • Stress reduction
        • Mental health
        • Insomnia
        • Managing anxiety
        • Pain Management
        • Weight-loss
        • Achieving a balanced lifestyle
        • Relaxation
        • Sleep 

Our unique classes are tailered for your requiments, business and numbers. Please enquire for a quote.

All enquiries welcome

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